ChoirAt St. Mark’s we love to sing! Music will remain an integral part of the 10:00 a.m. Service. But in order to keep each other safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, WE WILL NOT BE SINGING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!

Normally, every Sunday one of our cantors leads the congregation in the singing and usually leads the psalm. Occasionally, our praise band, known as “One in the Spirit”, consisiting of two guitarists, one violinist, a keyboardist, a flutist and two vocalists, leads the 10:00 a.m. service. The music is varied, drawing on sources from Anglican and Lutheran hymns as well as and contemporary praise songs. Our Special Occasion Choir comes together for services such as Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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Hymns/songs are taken from both the Lutheran ELW and Anglican Common Praise Hymn books (both of which are in the pews for those who like to have the music) and all words are projected onto the large screen at the front.

When the pandemic is finally over: Join us and make a joyful noise with us!