St. Mark’s mission field includes care provided at the parish level, in the community and through regional and national partners. Through these projects we are involved in helping the homeless, people with addictions and mental illness, and troubled teens in our local community – to name a few. We have recently experienced the importance of engaging with the world-wide community and will remain engaged in online and in person ministry.
Parish Outreach
Visiting the Home Bound
Clergy together with Lay Visitors are involved in visiting shut-ins, and conducting services at three of our local nursing homes.
Facilities for Community Programming
Our Church basement is used extensively by community groups and organizations, including a number of AA and Al-Anon groups.
Refugee Sponsorship
Recently, we have been able to be part of two sponsorships. Working with the Georgian Bay Refugee Support Team and the Midland Rotary Club we welcomed a family from Syria and one from Vietnam. We are expecting the arrival of a family from Syria fairly soon now and will sponsor them during their first year in Canada. Get in touch, if you feel called to help!
In Our Community
Guest House
St. Mark’s, Midland supports the 365 day “Guest House” (Out of the Cold). Our parish members volunteer on a continuous basis once a week.
Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre
Several of our members have joined “The Native Friendship Centre” and a number of our active members are First Nation or Metis. In the spirit of Reconciliation, we strive to form bonds with and learn from the aboriginal population.
Affiliate Outreach Projects
St. Mark’s participates in Outreach activities related to both Lutheran and Anglican Churches. For example, we collected all the components required to put together 50 Personal Care Kits for Canadian Lutheran World Relief to be shipped to people wherever needed. Another example was a financial donation St. Mark’s made to provide safe drinking water to Pikangikum, a First Nations community in Northern Ontario.