Face PaintingSunday Church School

Covid-19 has changed this as well, but Sunday Church school is normally offered for children each week. Upon arriving at church, the stay with their family to meet with Sue for a “Time for Children”. Our children then go directly downstairs to the Church School room, and remain in the children’s program until the Eucharist when they are invitied to join with their parents to receive communion. Children are encouraged to participate in the life and worship of the church. St. Mark’s is currently using a lectionary-based Lutheran curriculum, called “Whirl.” Although our numbers may be small, I believe that this ministry is vital to our congregation.

Vacation Bible School

Like so many things, planning has been put on hold, but we pray and hope that we can join forces with another local church to offer a Vacation Bible School programme again! Contact us, if you are interested, or wish to volunteer.